Saturday, December 28, 2019

Rockpile 2019

Bill’s Rockpile  2019    2008

Happy almost 2020! This project began in 2005 as a means of chronicling my favorite songs of the year and distributing (via CD!) to a small list of friends and compatriots. It was another good year for artists of all kinds and this is another super-sized rendition of my favorites. These songs are ones that stuck with me --- either playing them repeatedly or striking a tone of remembrance. And for the first time, I included a song cover, only because it was so distinct and meeting of both of my criteria. Over the years as the CD has become more of a curiosity I have posted these to sites that will accommodate a mix and ability to meet copyright restrictions. Mixcloud has been great with ability to post a mixed stream and for people to consume online or on a mobile device. You can listen from the web object pasted here or click on the link. I am sending out a few CD copies as well. Happy to send you one if you just drop me a note at with your mailing address. Thanks for listening! Comments welcome. Please note that The Bevis Frond album did release in 2018..but it was so late (and good) that Venom Drain should be added to this list. 



1.   “Shiny New Model” Bodega
2.   “Sideways Glance” Pure Moods
3.   “High On My Mind” Young Guv
4.   “Bees” The Love Language
5.   “Nervous Man” The Boys with The Perpetual Nervousness
6.   “Cotton & Cane” Olden Yolk
7.   “Somebody Like Me” Imperial Teen
8.   “Pretty” Girlpool
9.   “All My Happiness Is Gone” Purple Mountains
10.  “For Brinsley” Swimming Bell
11.  “Baby Green” Versus
12.  “Gone For Good” smiles
13.  “The Devil and The Jinn”  Pernice Brothers
14.  “Nothing At All”  The Stroppies
15.  “House of Papercuts” Seablite
16.  “Novelty” Peel Dream Magazine
17.  “Chasing That Feeling“ Business of Dreams
18.  “Extended Leave” Lake Ruth
19.  “Lost Faith” Bob Mould
20.  “Baby, Be Good To Me” Kelley Stoltz
21.  “Beagle Theory” The Resonars
22.  “Venom Drain” The Bevis Frond
23.  “Chase The Sun” black sand
24.  “The Modern Leper” Julien Baker
25.  “Silver” DMA’s

Favorite Show of 2019: Stereolab @ Royale in Boston in September